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AE specialists identify musculoskeletal risk and hazards wherever they exist, with emphasis on key leading risk factors which are “known” to cause cumulative stress, trauma and soft-tissue injuries. The P.O.W.E.R.™ program (Positive Outcomes in Wellness, Ergonomics and Risk™), includes routine audits and assessments, which ensure that risk-reduction and abatement procedures and protocols are in place - being followed and that targeted positive outcomes are occurring.

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AE specialists are available to perform your worksite or workgroup risk assessment.


We also offer a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) risk assessment package exclusively for hotels.

Call AE to schedule your worksite evaluation and MSD risk assessment at 1-866-950-3746 (ERGO)

Contact AE

During the assessment process, specialists spend time with employees and key personnel, in order to: gain buy-in and support, further define MSD risks and hazards, evaluate tasks and job duties, plus select the equipment, tools and tasks which will be used during practical training sessions.


Once this critical information has been analyzed, specialists customize education and training content to be as relevant as possible to your unique tasks, workplace and workforce.

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It is important that our specialists evaluate and document specific workforce challenges, as well as to measure, observe and photograph employees (with permission) in the performance of their tasks and duties. Since our specialists are neutral observers, employees feel free to openly share their experiences, perceptions and barriers.


Observations-related activities focus on identifying, measuring and evaluating varying levels of MSD and postural risk, as well as at-risk behaviors. With our “trained eyes,” there is an emphasis on postural efficiency and ergonomic challenges or “barriers” related to behaviors, tasks and equipment.


Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) injury prevention and culture change efforts are only as effective as their design, implementation and follow-through.


The most accurate way to determine the possibility of an undesired outcome and measure your company and workforces potential for risk is through our risk assessment process.

Technicians at Work

Ask about our COVID-19 Assessments

@2002-2022 Xtreme Prevention  -  1.866.755-2321  -  All Rights Reserved

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