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HT10000 Makes Water Wetter!

Negatively Charged Colloids Attract Cations

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To Learn More About Soil Compaction, Click Here

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Soil Conditioner for Compacted Soil, Clay & Drought

Soil compaction can be a serious and unnecessary form of soil degradation that can result in increased soil erosion and decreased crop production. Compaction of soil is the compression of soil particles into a smaller volume, which reduces the size of pore space available for air and water. Most soils are composed of about 50 per cent solids (sand, silt, clay and organic matter) and about 50 per cent pore spaces.

Compaction Concerns

Soil compaction can impair water infiltration into soil, crop emergence, root penetration and crop nutrient and water uptake, all of which result in depressed crop yield. Human-induced compaction of agricultural soil can be the result of using tillage equipment during soil cultivation or result from the heavy weight of field equipment. Compacted soils can also be the result of the natural soil  forming processes. 

Effects of Soil Compaction

Soil compaction can have a number of negative effects on soil quality and crop production including the following:


  • Causes soil pore spaces to become smaller

  • Reduces water infiltration rate into soil root zone and subsoil

  • Decreases the rate that water will penetrate into the soil 

  • Increases the potential for surface water ponding, water runoff, surface soil waterlogging and soil erosion

  • Reduces the ability of a soil to hold water and air, which are necessary for plant root growth and function

  • Reduces crop emergence as a result of soil crusting

  • Impedes root growth and limits the volume of soil explored by roots

  • limits soil exploration by roots and decreases the ability of crops to take up nutrients and water efficiently from soil

  • Reduces crop yield potential

Humic substances are complex molecules derived from decayed organic matter. Humic substances are regarded as "Organic Catalysts" due to the wide range of molecular weights. Humic substances work at the "cellular level" and act as a Natural Chelating agent for micro-nutrients.

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Benefits of HT10000 Soil Conditioner

  • Acts as a Buffer

  • Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

  • Increases Availability of P205, Zink and Manganese

  • Promotes Root Development

  • Increases Permeability of Plant Membranes

  • Increase Germination Capacity

  • Promotes Development of Micro-Organisms in the Soil

  • Helps Break Up Clay & Compacted Soils

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HT10000 Entering Cells of a Plant

Ideal Soil Composition





Factors Restricting Root Growth Reduce Nutrient Uptake

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Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)


The Total Number of Exchangeable

Cations a Soil Can Hold



(The Amount of its Negative Charge)


Determined in the Lab Using "Conventional" Procedure

Soil Test Basics


Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)


A. Tells you the holding capacity (exchangeable sites for nutrients) of your soil.


B. The 3 components of EC are:

   1. Type of Clay

   2. Amount of Clay

   3. Amount of Organic Matter

Soil Test Basics


CEC is used for many things, but 1 simple thing you can use it for is Nitrogen Application.


A soil will only hold approximately 10 times the CEC. Ex: If your CEC is 8, 8 times 10 = 80 lbs. of nitrogen.


If you are raising 150 bushel of corn, you need approximately 150 units of nitrogen. This means that all that nitrogen CAN NOT be applied in 1 application.

Patented Technology that Inactivates Pathogens at their Source!

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Standing Water = Compaction



How Soil Conditioner Works in the Soil

Surrounding Each With Humigin

Soil Particles

The Liquid Humic allows wet soils to drain, as the soil particles separate water moved down through the soil.

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As the Liquid Humic travels down through the soil, it charges each particle. making them "Repel One Another," as well as surrounding each with Humic Acid, which causes each of them to retain water for plants to use.

Allowing Air, Water and Pore Space to return, creating a Healthy Soil.

We are Changing Dirt Every Day" for the Better.

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The Benefits of Humic Substances

  • Helps Break Up Clay and Compacted Soils

  • This is #1 Benefit to Humics in the Soil

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--- Seeing is Believing ---

Try HT10000 Conditioner and See the Results for Yourself!

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Typical Root System When Using HT10000

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HT10000 Concentrate is available in 5 gallons (2-2.5 gallon totes), 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes. 

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Xtreme 55 Gal Drum web label.jpg
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To Order Call: 1-866-755-2321



Plant's Cell Wall

Humic Acid creates a protective filter inside and outside the plant cell wall to keep out harmful elements.

HT10000 after foliar application entering through the cell wall of a plant.

"Humic Technology Makes the Difference"

HT10000 increases cell development, photosynthesis, root development, and improves a plant's ability to hold water internally, increasing the plant's efficiency level closer to 100% operation

HT10000 accelerates the energy inside the cells adding growth and production to the plant.

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